Video Vignette – Water is Life

Because the Great Basin is a desert, water is life.


Nevada is the most arid state in the nation. Water management, for better or worse, is part of the Great Basin’s heritage. Indian names for towns Tonopah, Pahrump, Pahranagut, and Ivanpah denote the presence of water.


Earlier this summer, PLAN, GBRW and the GBWN coordinated a Great Basin Water Tour providing participants an opportunity to learn and experience firsthand about the water issues facing our state. Issues that are not without solutions. Below is a video vignette of the water tour highlighting a portion of the journey and underscoring the current (historical) challenges, especially those regarding the SNWA Las Vegas Water Grab Project.


Water Tour Video Screening


In September, PLAN is set to screen the more complete video of the water tour in Northern Nevada in a venue in Northern Nevada to give attendees a chance to learn more, share ideas and collaborate on solutions. Stay tuned!


See also:


“Grumbling about injustices, wrongs and frustrations doesn’t make anything just or better – however, sharing matters! Paying mindful attention and converting outrage into meaningful action in order to bring about positive change really works. Do something each day to make things better for yourself and for others, because we are in fact, consciously or not, making a difference with every action, and every choice we make – one way or another.”