

Serving the Northern Nevada Immigrant Community


Immigrants are an important part of the fabric of Nevada’s society. They are fundamental to our primary industries and quality of life. For immigrants, life in Nevada may provide more opportunities than before, but it is still very hard. Many parents work two or three low-wage jobs, sacrificing today for a better tomorrow for their kids.


Undocumented Nevadans are especially vulnerable and are often forced to live in the shadows. Children live in constant fear that their parents will be deported. PLAN believes these families deserve to live openly without fear, and be recognized as contributing members of our communities. PLAN supports immigrants’ rights to legal status and advancement to citizenship, and it works to change policy to protect immigrant families.


For more information and services available in Northern Nevada — e.g. Adjustment Status, Assistance at CIS, Interviews, Deferred Action (DACA), EOIR, Family Petitions, Temporary Protected Status, (TPS), etc.




The current immigration system targets and tears families apart that have deep roots in our country. PLAN believes that fellow Nevadans should not have to live in fear of deportation or be perpetually criminalized. Instead, they should be recognized as contributing members of our communities because they are our co-workers, classmates and neighbors.


PLAN is committed to lifting up the voices of immigrants, refugees, and aspiring Americans to push for policies that will protect immigrant families and other vulnerable populations from deportation. We have a broad coalition that advocates for immigrant rights and works collectively to provide families with resources needed to protect themselves. Our work will ensure that we have a just Nevada that is inclusive and welcoming to all immigrant families.


Know Your Rights


It is important to know that everyone, regardless of immigration status, has certain rights under the United States Constitution such as the right to remain silent and to be represented by an attorney. Knowing and understanding your rights is crucial to protecting yourself. The American Civil Liberties Union and American Immigration Lawyers Association both have key information to further understanding what your rights are if you encounter the police or ICE agents. Learn more about our resources here.


What Do I Need To Know If The DACA Program Ends?



On September 5, 2017 the Trump administration announced they would be ending DACA. This program has helped 13,000 Nevadans and 800,000 youth nationwide that came to the US as children. Under DACA many of them have had the opportunity to work, go to school, and help their families with everyday expenses.


The Immigrant Legal Resources Center provides important information regarding these changes, as well on how to be prepared. If you or someone you know need assistance with a DACA renewal before the October 5, 2017 deadline, contact PLAN’s Citizenship & Immigration Services Program of Northern Nevada.


English Video

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Spanish Video

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AAPI Video

[/vc_column_text][vc_video link=”” align=”center”][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]For Additional information and services available in Northern Nevada — e.g. Adjustment Status, Assistance at CIS, Interviews, Deferred Action (DACA), EOIR, Family Petitions, Temporary Protected Status, (TPS), etc. –please visit our Citizenship & Immigration Program website.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]