Why Vote?
Voting is the cornerstone of democracy in Nevada. It empowers citizens to have a voice in shaping the policies that impact their daily lives. Exercising this right ensures that the government and corporations remains accountable and responsive to the needs of the people.
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Nevada 2024 Election Timeline
Early Voting Begins for Primary Election: Saturday, May 25
Mail Ballots Sent to Voters for Primary Election: By Tuesday, May 14
Early Voting Ends for Primary Election: Friday, June 7
Nevada Primary Election: Tuesday, June 11
Early Voting Begins for General Election: Saturday, October 19
Mail Ballots Sent to Voters for General Election: By Wednesday, October 16
Early Voting Ends for General Election: Friday, November 1
Nevada General Election: Tuesday, November 5

What are the most common questions?
Learn More About Voting in Nevada
Starting in 2022, mail ballots will always be mailed to all registered voters. Once completed, ballots are sealed in the prepaid return envelope, signed, and either put in the mail or at a dropbox. Ballots must be postmarked on or before election day and received by 5pm on the fourth day following an election to be counted.
Nevadans still have the opportunity to early vote or vote at a polling location on election day if they prefer.
When you change any of your information at the DMV, your voter registration is updated automatically.
Same-day registration allows a voter to register for the first time or update their existing registration on the same day they vote in person. However, if you choose to register to vote same-day, you must bring with you a valid Nevada driver’s license or identification card.
The right to vote is automatically returned to formerly incarcerated individuals upon release. Probation and parole status does not have an impact on your ability to vote, as long as you are no longer incarcerated, and meet the general eligibility requirements, you have the right to vote.
An otherwise eligible voter who is 17 years old can pre-register to vote. A person who has pre-registered to vote is automatically deemed registered to vote on their 18th birthday.
Nevada tribes are authorized to submit a request for a polling place, a ballot drop box, or both within the boundaries of their reservation or colony for the day of a primary election or general election.