Statement: Senate Bill 3 Misses the Mark

Las Vegas, NV — In response to the Nevada Legislature’s passage of lackluster Senate Bill 3

“SB3 doesn’t go far enough. Allowing the mining industry to pay their taxes early ignores their responsibility of paying what they owe. The Net Proceeds on Mineral Tax is capped in Nevada’s constitution, but the generous amount of deductions they take advantage of are not. The mining industry in Nevada makes billions of dollars every year taking Nevada’s resources, but contributes less than cigarette taxes and even business license fees.

“It is a shame the legislature can muster the ‘courage’ to cut funding for education, health care, and the salaries of public employees, but will not stand up to the multinational mining corporations who use Nevada’s “business friendly” style of politics to enrich themselves. There are ways to find revenue without waiting for the federal government to act. We can not wait for Donald Trump and Mitch McConell to save us. The legislature must act and remove minings tax deductions.

“We agree with Assembly Member Bilbray-Axelrod: this is not over”