Take Action: Tell the Governor to sign Senate Bills 169 and 303, and Assembly Bill 74
Last week Governor Sandoval signed a resolution to support comprehensive immigration reform, and in an interview expressed his support for the Senate’s “Gang of 8” immigration reform bill.

Senate Bill 169 changes the the mandatory sentencing of gross misdemeanors from 365 days to 364. If you’ve been sentenced to 365 days for anything, even if you didn’t serve time, you can not apply to become a United States Citizen. This bill could help many undocumented Nevadans, including those who only plead guilty because they didn’t not have proper representation, and didn’t understand the charges against them. You can be charged for a gross misdemeanor for misusing a hotel room key. Should that prevent someone from applying for citizenship? Tell Governor Sandoval to sign Senate Bill 169.
Senate Bill 303 authorizes the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) to issue Driver Authorization Cards to Nevadans, regardless of legal status. SB303 also guarantees that the DMV does not share immigration status of any applicant with Federal immigration authorities. SB303 will lower the cost of vehicle insurance in Nevada and make our roads safer. Tell Governor Sandoval to sign Senate Bill 303
Assembly Bill 74 regulates Nevada’s ‘nortario’ and document preparation services. It is vital that we have regulations in place to protect our undocumented and immigrant communities. ‘Notario’ means different things in different countries, and many families have seen their hopes of becoming US citizens disappear because of shady notarios, and currently there is no recourse for their unscrupulous actions. Tell Governor Sandoval to sign Assembly Bill 74
If Federal immigration reform passes, these bills will do a lot to help Nevadans hoping to become citizens. Please contact the Governor and ask him to sign these bills to keep families together.