Juneteenth Poem by Annika Dowling

Imagine a world where you have no voice, no hope, no choice. Imagine shackles on your hands and feet.Imagine there is no food to eat. Imagine never having shoes on your feet. Imagine not being free!! No need to imagine that was reality before June 19th, 1865, for black men, women and children that were black like me!


Be ever thankful still even with slaveries reality, our ancestors imagined we would be free!! They imagined that we would be treated equally. They imagined that we would have a choice…on tha note they imagined we would have the right to vote.


Now close your eyes and imagine with me a world full of equality, democracy is all around and no one is slighted or put down. Imagine everyone has a home, no one is houseless or cold and alone. Imagine all voices getting heard. Imagine no more sexist, racist, or disparaging words.


Now open your eyes and come go with me today and everyday let’s do the work together to make our Imagination a reality.


Our ancestors imagined us as free people. They saw us voting and owning property and even running for office ourselves. We are now imagining the future for our youth. We must push through the tough times and celebrate all that we have made it through!! Save our strength and pick our battles, join hands, hearts and voice will win overall!! We can vote today because of those who stood up for that right long ago. I am honored to be among the Imaginers and the DOers!! Won’t you come along and join me? Let’s imagine for a while and then let’s work together to make our Imaginations a REALITY!


– Poem by Annika Dowling