Ben Iness
Ben Iness is the coalition coordinator for the Nevada Housing Justice Alliance, a coalition of grassroot organizers and community advocates working with Nevada tenants to address the root causes of housing insecurity. Ben centers his work in his lived experience, having been displaced, evicted, and directly-impacted by housing instability throughout his childhood. Above all, his work is driven by the deep-seated belief that housing is a human right, and this guides his efforts to challenge the structural oppression embedded in the commodification of housing and advocate for meaningful policy reforms. Ben’s leadership within the Alliance has catalyzed a series of impactful campaigns aimed at protecting tenant rights, abolishing summary evictions, and promoting housing stability — all to better Keep Nevadans Housed.Ben is a lifelong Nevadan, growing up in (every corner of) Las Vegas and living in Reno for the last 15 years. Ben received his Master’s in Social Work from UNR, and during his time in the program served as a practicum student for PLAN.