You are incredible

On Monday morning we asked you to help us meet a fundraising challenge. If PLAN raised $10,000, a very generous pair of donors in Reno would match that amount. In just under 48 hours, we met our goal! We do what we do for love. Love of our state, love of our communities and love …

$10,000 challenge

Two longtime PLAN supporters, Marcy and Scott Jordan, have issued a challenge. They have offered to match any donations made to PLAN in honor of Bob’s dad, Chuck Fulkerson, until the end of the year.   Can you help us meet their match by the end of the year with a gift today?   They wrote: …

Happy Holidays!

We are incredibly grateful for the support of Nevadans all over the state. No matter where you are, or your holiday tradition, we hope you are surrounded by people you love. Happy Holidays, Bob, Theresa, Rosa, Stacey, Erica, Annie, Megan, Astrid, Laura, AJ, Rafael, Abe & Sabreena  

Wish me luck

I’m heading to DC, wish me luck! By Astrid Silva   As you read this I’ll be on a flight headed to Washington, DC to testify before the Senate Judiciary Committee about the impact of the President’s executive action for immigration reform and the need to keep families together. It’s been a crazy few weeks. …

Support Progressives for #GivingTuesday

[et_pb_section bb_built=”1″ admin_label=”section”][et_pb_row admin_label=”row”][et_pb_column type=”4_4″][et_pb_text admin_label=”Text”]   Today is a great day to support your favorite Progressives.     After we give thanks, and take advantage of shopping deals, there is Giving Tuesday, a day dedicated to giving back. You can support PLAN by clicking here. Your secure, online donation is tax deductible and will go …