Demanding accountability for abuses in Guatemala and the Comstock

On Thursday, April 21, PLAN and the Comstock Residents Association (CRA) held a press conference in front of the Nevada Mining Association to denounce Kappes, Cassiday & Associates (KCA) illegal operations at its Progreso VII Derivada gold mine in Guatemala. KCA’s exploitation license was suspended by Guatemalan Courts in July and November 2015 and the …

PLAN celebrates approval of federal funds for Anaconda toxic mine clean up

On March 29th, Governor Sandoval approved the EPA’s request to list the Anaconda copper mine as a Superfund National Priority. This designation, more than 10 years in the making, means federal funds will be available for long-term, integrated clean up of the toxic site located near Yerington. On March 25th, PLAN, Great Basin Resource Watch …