Take action: Tell Governor Sandoval to sign these bills into law to strengthen our elections

Our Field Director Howard Watts III explains three bills that are headed to Governor Sandoval’s desk that will strengthen Nevada’s election process should he chose to sign them into law. The Governor needs to hear from YOU. Making it easier for eligible voters in Nevada to participate in elections should be common sense; ask Governor …

Tell Governor Sandoval to support the immigration community with more than words

Take Action: Tell the Governor to sign Senate Bills 169 and 303, and Assembly Bill 74 Last week Governor Sandoval signed a resolution to support comprehensive immigration reform, and  in an interview expressed his support for the Senate’s “Gang of 8” immigration reform bill. Governor can support Nevada’s immigrants with more than just words by signing …

It’s time for Nevada to stop criminalizing acts between consenting same sex couples

Senate Bill 388 eliminates the “infamous crimes against nature” law. It passed out of both houses and now heads to the desk of Governor Brian Sandoval PLEASE CALL 775-684-5670 OR EMAIL the Governor today: http://gov.nv.gov/contact/ Nevada’s outdated “infamous crimes against nature” statute discriminates against same sex couples and violates their rights to equal protection under the …

Drag for DREAMs – Scholarship Application!

On Thursday, May 16th the Progressive Leadership Alliance of Nevada’s Uniting Communities program and the Gay and Lesbian Center of Southern Nevada hosted Drag for DREAMs, a drag show fundraiser for undocumented students in Nevada. Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) is a program announced by President Obama last June. It allows undocumented students (known …

Breaking Down Barriers, Building Up Communities

This past weekend I took some time off to volunteer as a Co-Director for Camp Anytown. This camp’s curriculum was founded in 1957 and designed to educate, liberate, and empower high school aged participants, with a focus on diversity and leadership for social justice. Anytown’s motto is “Breaking Down Barriers, Building Up Communities,” which highlights …