2017 Great Basin Water Tour Recap

This is the first of several environmental justice blog posts in a series dedicated to the 2017 Great Basin Water Tour and related water issues impacting all of us. In this opening post, we would like to start things off by acknowledging a few individuals and groups that helped make this tour possible, followed by …

SB47 Passes #nvleg

  The Progressive Leadership Alliance of Nevada (PLAN) is proud to announce that SB47 has been passed bringing Nevada closer to restoring our basins to a healthy state and ensuring the responsible management of our water resources for this and future generations.   For years PLAN has been at the forefront with GBRW and other …

Environmental Injustice in Nevada Report

Purpose   The environmental/climate movement in Nevada is woefully lacking a justice analysis. The focus of water, climate and energy policy is limited to economic viability, expansion of supply, job creation, and giant projects. But the state and our movement currently lacks analysis around who will benefit from these decisions and how. Environmental and climate …

Join us on the Great Basin Water tour!

Don’t miss this amazing opportunity to join PLAN and our partners on the Great Basin Water Tour – a four day road-trip departing from Reno or Las Vegas, and converging in Baker, NV for the weekend-long Snake Valley Festival.   Pay the registration fee online or send checks with water tour in the subject line to PLAN at 203 S. Arlington Ave, Reno, …