Environmental Injustice in Nevada Report



The environmental/climate movement in Nevada is woefully lacking a justice analysis. The focus of water, climate and energy policy is limited to economic viability, expansion of supply, job creation, and giant projects. But the state and our movement currently lacks analysis around who will benefit from these decisions and how. Environmental and climate issues are not accessed through the lens of class, race or gender. As a result, policies that do address the needs of marginalized communities are subservient to the needs of industry and business. It is PLAN’s intent to transform the manner in which government and our fellow community organizations analyze the impacts and climate change by centering the conditions/experiences of low-income communities, women and communities of color. We assert that by recognizing the lived experiences and conditions of historically marginalized peoples in relation to pollution, access (or lack thereof) to affordable/reliable utilities, and ability to influence energy and climate policy we can better equip ourselves to address the climate crises in an equitable way.

Study and Report’s Goal


To examine the impacts of climate change on low-income communities, women, and people of color in Nevada. That is, research the impacts of climate change on said communities by examining their proximity to pollution, clean water and air, affordable utilities and other markers of disenfranchisement as a result of climate and energy policies that ignore how systems of oppression operate. We want to explore this further to enrich the scope of knowledge in Nevada.




We are paying participants $25. We interview participants in person, at a time that is convenient to them under strict study guidelines and principles with confidentiality in mind. Please contact us at PLAN either by phone (775) 348-7557 or email EnvironmentalJustice@planevada.org to participate.

Timeline & Questions


The preliminary report is scheduled to be available Fall of 2017; the complete report will be available Fall 2018. For questions, please send a message to EnvironmentalJustice@planevada.org.


PLAN works to achieve environmental justice by addressing the root problems driving the climate crisis: economic inequality, structural racism and corporate greed.